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Staffordshire Enhanced District Inclusion Support Model

The Creative Learning Partnership Trust (CLPT) is delighted to be supporting SEDIS in the Stafford District, with Greenhall as the lead provider. CLPT has been commissioned to deliver the support for primary-aged children. 

What is SEDIS?

SEDIS is designed to empower mainstream schools to address the needs of children and young people facing learning barriers and to support inclusion. SEDIS teams will work to enhance the capacity and confidence of district schools, while also promoting the sharing of best evidence-based practices. As part of Staffordshire’s pre-statutory graduated approach to supporting special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and inclusion in mainstream settings, SEDIS will be available as an option during the ‘Do’ phase of the Enhanced Assess, Plan, Do, Review (EAPDR) Pathway. This support can be considered and agreed upon if the child or young person is on the EAPDR Pathway.

The primary goal of all SEDIS activities is to enhance the learning environment around the child, thereby improving their learning and inclusion experience. Importantly, a child or young person does not need a diagnosis or label for their school to access SEDIS support.

SEDIS outreach

The main focus of SEDIS Teams is Outreach support. These teams will primarily work on developing the educational setting’s capacity to meet the needs of children with SEND and inclusion needs. The child or young person will remain in their educational setting, with SEDIS staff typically visiting 2-3 times a week to support staff in implementing agreed strategies, modelling support techniques, and developing resources.

SEDIS in-reach

After a period of outreach, an EAPDR Review meeting will be held to assess progress. If, after high-quality outreach support, the child or young person requires specific support away from their educational setting, they may need a short-term placement with the SEDIS provider.

Although this provision may be away from their current educational setting, the child or young person will remain on the roll of their educational setting.

Attendance at the SEDIS in-reach provision can be full-time or part-time, depending on individual needs.

These placements are ‘time-limited’ and typically do not exceed one term. The expectation is that the child or young person will return to their educational setting after receiving enhanced in-reach support. During the placement, close links will be maintained with the home setting.

What can SEDIS providers support with?

  • Developing strategies to support the child, young person, and staff
  • Promoting the implementation of effective strategies
  • Creating appropriate support packages for children, young people, and the mainstream setting, in collaboration with parents/carers and teachers
  • Modelling different approaches to meet a child/young person’s individual needs
  • Enhancing the skills, knowledge, and understanding of staff in the mainstream setting
  • Providing training to setting staff on promoting inclusion, meeting individual needs, effective strategies, modelling activities, and sharing evidence-based practices
  • Assisting the setting in developing policies and procedures for target setting, monitoring, challenging, and supporting children and young people to achieve their full learning potential
  • Supporting children and young people through transition points
  • Offering advice and support to mainstream settings in creating and reviewing Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs), and Pastoral Support Programmes (PSPs)
  • Facilitating conversations and relationships between setting staff and parents where relationships have broken down
  • Providing tailored and targeted interventions and support programs

How is SEDIS accessed?

  1. During EAPDR planning/review meetings, the Team Around The Child (TAC) will decide if SEDIS is appropriate to meet the identified outcomes for the child or young person. They will also agree on the amount and duration of support needed.
  2. If SEDIS is deemed appropriate, the school will request it using the One Form (EAPDR Request Form Guidance Document - Staffordshire County Council) and send it to the SEND commissioning inbox (
  3. Upon receiving the One Form, SEND commissioning will approve the provision if appropriate, and email the SENCo/school and the district SEDIS provider, outlining the provision details, costs, and school contribution for the EAPDR cycle.
  4. If the closest SEDIS provider cannot meet the request, the SEND Commissioning Officer will find another suitable provider.
  5. The Commissioning Officer will inform the school/SEDIS provider of the outcome.
  6. The school is responsible for contacting the SEDIS provider to start the introduction process. 

EAPDR & SEDIS High Level Pathway Version 1.0, 05.09.24  SEND District Hub does not recommend Enhanced, Assess, Plan, Do, Review (EAPDR) but provides recommendations.  CYP identified with needs  School implements Graduated Response - Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) / District SEND & Indlusion Hub / Panel recommendations  If needs are not being met through APDR, school to refer into / back into District SEND & Inclusion Hub with supporting evidence.  District SEND & Inclusion Hub reviews and discusses referral/CYP  SEND District Hub recommends Enhanced, Assess, Plan, Do, Review (EAPDR)  EAPDR DECLINED  -  School completes green section of the One Form and submits to EAPDR Panel  Panel considers and agrees (where appropriate) EAPDR, of declines the EAPDR request and provides recommendations to setting  School SENCo informed  EAPDR AGREED  If EAPDR approved by Panel, Educational Psychologist allocated  School SENCo arranges Assess & Plan meeting with EP, parent/carer and other relevant professionals e.g. AIT, Entrust Primary Behaviour Support, Speech and Language Therapist, Health professionals  Planning meeting, ('Assess & Plan" phase), to identify and agree outcomes and most appropriate provision, e.g. School resource (eg. ELSA), EPS support, AIT, Speech & Language, SEDIS, CYP Flexible Framework and other commissioned services  If SEDIS is identified as the most appropriate provision, school emails updated One Form, detailing required enhanced provision, to the Staffordshire Commissioning Team (SCT) inbox. SCT process and approve: EAPDR Commissioning reference emailed to school  School contacts SEDIS provider to make arrangements to begin the introduction process and support  School SENCo arranges Review meeting with SEDIS provider, EP, parent/carer and other relevant professionals e.g. Autism team, Entrust Primary Behaviour Support, Speech and Language Therapist, Health professionals  Review meeting to assess progress against outcomes and agree next steps e.g. 2"d cycle of EAPDR, request for EHCNA, or retum to APDR. SEDIS In-reach may be considered at this point

How many children / young people can a SEDIS Team support?

  • 15 children and young people with SEDIS outreach at any one time.
  • 5 children and young people with a SEDIS in-reach placement at any one time. 

    N.B. These figures are across primary and secondary. 

Funding and transport

SEDIS will be jointly funded by the Local Authority and the school where the child/young person is enrolled. T

SEDIS will be jointly funded by the Local Authority and the school where the child/young person is enrolled.

Outreach support costs schools £30 per session (minimum 2 hours; some children may need more than one session per week).

In-reach placement costs schools £50 per day. School contributions will be capped at £1,500 for each EAPDR cycle.

During the planning stages, the team around the child will confirm the duration and amount of support required, which will determine the school contribution. This information must be recorded on the EAPDR One Form before sending it to SEND Commissioning.

Transport to and from SEDIS In-reach provision will be the responsibility of the child or young person’s educational setting/parents. The aim is to place children and young people locally within their communities where possible. School day timings may need to be adjusted to accommodate families who need to transport other siblings.

For more information, please contact

Please note, all referrals MUST come through the SEND and Inclusion Hub. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept any direct referrals.

Contact Us
01785 246159Greenhall Schooloffice@greenhall.staffs.sch.ukSecond Ave, Stafford ST16 1PS
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust