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Values & Ethos

‘Greenhall Nursery school is an inspirational organisation. Children are at the heart of all of the decisions that are made. Staff are committed to the school and love their roles.’

Ofsted, 2018

‘Nurturing the Champion Within’

At Greenhall, we are motivated by our sense of purpose. This is centred on

  • Equality
  • Equity
  • Inclusivity
  • The whole person is a Champion



One gets more than is needed whilst the other gets less than is needed. This a huge disparity is created.



The assumption is that everyone benefits from the same supports. This is equal treatment



Everyone gets the support they need (this is the concept of "affirmative action") thus producing equality.



All three can see without supports or accommodation because the cause(s) of the inequality was addressed. The systematic barrier has been removed.

We are driven by four values. These guide our work and form the intent for our curriculum. They are

Know the individual well

  • We recognise the individuality of the child and are committed to the development of the whole child.
  • We want our children to be offered an ambitious curriculum that is appropriate to their needs, interests and abilities.
  • We aim to provide a high quality, child centred education which maximises every child’s potential.
  • We want our children to be ready for the next steps.

Happiness & Achievement

  • We provide a happy, safe, secure & nurturing environment where all are accepted, valued, celebrated, encouraged and championed to be the best they can be!
  • We recognise, value and celebrate achievements, however small
  • We want our children to be actively engaged in their learning
  • We want our children to have a voice and provide them with the tools to use this through our Total Communication approach & coaching model.
  • We our committed to providing them with champion opportunities.
  • We want to use our Greenhall learning approach to pedagogy to sequence learning effectively & embed knowledge and skills. We use Conductive Education as a teaching approach with our children with physical needs.

Character for Living & Learning

  • We want our children to have a ‘can do’ attitude and to believe in themselves.
  • We want our children to be as independent as possible
  • We want our children to take risks, to be immersed in practical, first-hand learning experiences.
  • We believe in explicit teaching of behaviour, modelling and emotional coaching.
  • We want to give our children the very best start, to lay the foundations for later learning. What we teach our children, even at such a young age, is preparation for adulthood

Effective Relationships

  • We believe that people flourish where they are valued. We are committed to providing high support & high challenge we work WITH others and believe we can all learn from each other.
  • We support families and believe in working in partnership with them. We share our knowledge & skills to equip them to better support their child.
  • We are positive role-models
  • We want our children to learn the value of relationships, respect others & to learn how to embrace community.
  • We believe in caring relationships, based on trust and respect.

How do we know?

We have five key questions that are inherent to all we do. They are;

  • Do you know me?
  • Do you hear me?
  • Can I trust you?
  • Is this place fair for me?
  • Do you let me fly?

Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the standard of education and care. Comments from parents include: ‘The whole atmosphere is welcoming, parents and children really feel part of the school family…’ Ofsted, 2018


Contact Us
01785 246159Greenhall Schooloffice@greenhall.staffs.sch.ukSecond Ave, Stafford ST16 1PS
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust